Wednesday, April 6, 2011

E- Efforts Never Fail Inspirational Magnet

Efforts never fail~Try try again~Never give up ~ Success is yours!

3 Word Quote-Efforts Never Fail - Magnet magnet
3 Word Quote-Efforts Never Fail - Magnet by semas87
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 My word for letter E is efforts.The result we get is relative to the efforts we put and efforts never fail.

There is a magic created when we put in consistent effort.We may not see the result immediately but the small actions all combine to let you taste success,the fruit of your efforts, in the end.


  1. The result we get is relative to the efforts we put in. That is So very very true. And I do think that consistency is a huge part that most forget! Thank you for stopping by my blog!

  2. creative and artistic. I like your stuff!
    Happy E day!

  3. @Claire-consistency is indeed very important.
    @Tara-Thank you for the appreciation.
